Boeken over karate
Alles over karate, David Mitchell, 902151849
Ancient Okinawan Martial Arts Koryu uchinadi 1, Patrick McCarthy, 804820937
Ancient Okinawan Martial Arts Koryu uchinadi 2, Patrick McCarthy, 804831475
Basic karate katas, Hirokasu kanazawa
Best karate (vol 1-…), Nakayama
Channan: heart of the Heians, E.T. Schmeisser, 1412013577
Competition karate, Bryan evans, 706375408
De 5 schatten tao chi kung en het verwantschap met karate kata's, Dirk Heene
De essentie van karate, Mark Bishop, 9021516373
Het beste karateboek voor beginners, M Nakayama, 9060570502
Karate, Wim & willy luiten, 906120643
Karate do, Meeus & Van Haesendonck, 9002191774
Karate do kata: 5 heian - 2 tekki, Taji Kase, 2901551610
Karate do kyohan (master text), Gichin Funakoshi, 0-87011-190-6
Karate do nyumon (introductory text), Gichin Funakoshi
Karate do, my way of life, Gichin Funakoshi, 0-87011-241-4
Karate jutsu (rentan goshin karate jutsu, rentan goshin toudi jutsu), Gichin Funakoshi, 4770026811
Karate's history and traditions (kopies van het boek), B.A. Haines
Kata: the folk dances of shotokan, R. Redmond
Kyusho secrets, Vince Morris, 9539325
Les 18 kata superieurs de shotokan karate do, Taji Kase, 901551076
L'Histoire de karate Do, Kenji Tokitsu, 2907736337
Ryukyu karate kempo jutsu, Gichin Funakoshi
Secret Karate: the hidden pressure-point techniques in kata, A. Croft, 9781861265951
Shotokan karate: unravelling the kata, A. Croft, 1861268734
Shotokan's secret, B.D. Clayton, 897501888
Tapenshu, Gichin Funakoshi
The bible of karate bubishi, Patrick McCarthy, 804820155
The karate dictionary, Schlatt, 978393774520
The twenty guiding principles of karate, Gichin Funakoshi, 9784770027962
To te jitsu, Gichin Funakoshi, 920129226